Automotive Testing EXPO 2025 INDIA (April 8,9,10 2025, Chennai, INDIA)

Three Phase Relay Test Set

Home /Three Phase Relay Test Set

  • Small, rugged, lightweight and powerful
  • Intuitive manual operation with Smart Touch View Interface
  • High current, high power output
  • (60 Amps/300 VA rms) per phase
  • 4 Voltage channels, 3 Current channels, with convertible voltage channels provides 1 voltage and 6 currents
  • Dynamic, Transient and GPS Satellite Synchronized End-to-End Testing Capability
  • IEC 61850 Testing Capability

The SMRT46 is a multipurpose, light-weight, field portable test set capable of testing a wide variety of electro-mechanical, solid-state and microprocessor-based protective relays, motor overload relays and similar protective devices.

The SMRT46 test system has the ability to be manually controlled with Megger’s Smart Touch View Interface™ (STVI). The STVI, with its large, full color, high resolution, TFT LCD touch screen allows the user to perform manual, steady-state and dynamic testing quickly and easily using the manual test screen, as well as using built-in preset test routines for most popular relays (see STVI datasheet for details).

For full automatic testing the SMRT46 may be controlled by Megger Relay Testing Management Software (RTMS). RTMS is a Microsoft® Windows® XP® Service Pack 3/Vista™/7/8/10 compatible software program designed to manage all aspects of protective relay testing using the new Megger SMRT33, (see RTMS datasheet for details).

  • Small, rugged, lightweight and powerful
  • Operates with or without a computer
  • Intuitive manual operation with Smart Touch View Interface
  • High current, high power output (60 Amps/300 VA rms) per phase
  • Flexible output design provides up to four-phase voltage and up to ten-phase current
  • Network interface provides IEC 61850 test capabilities
  • Fully automated testing using AVTS software

The SMRT410 test system may be customized by adding the number of Voltage-Current, “VIGEN”, modules needed for specific test applications. The SMRT410 has the “smart” combination of high compliance voltage and high current to test all electromechanical, solid-state and microprocessor-based overcurrent relays, including voltage controlled, voltage restraint and high impedance directional ground overcurrent.

The SMRT410 provides a complete multi-phase test system for commissioning of protection systems. With up to 4 voltage channels a 6 high currents, the SMRT410 meets every testing need. The SMRT410 VIGEN modules also provide high power in BOTH the voltage and current channels to test virtually all types of protective relays.

The SMRT410 test system has the ability to be manually controlled with Megger’s new Smart Touch View Interface™ (STVI). The STVI, with its large, full color, high resolution, TFT LCD touch screen allows the user to perform manual, steady-state and dynamic testing quickly and easily using the manual test screen, as well as using built-in preset test routines for most popular relays.

  • The toolbox for substation 3-phase testing
  • Three currents and four voltages
  • Stand-alone functionality
  • Rugged and reliable for field use
  • Generation of 900 V and 105 A in single phase mode
  • Secondary and primary testing

The SVERKER 900 Relay and Substation Test System is the engineer’s ultimate toolbox that addresses the increasing need for three-phase testing capability in electrical distribution substations, renewable power generation stations and industrial applications. The intuitive user interface is presented on the LCD touch screen. It has a powerful combination of current and voltage sources and a versatility of measurement possibilities.

The SVERKER 900 is specifically designed for basic, manual threephase secondary testing of protection devices. In addition, various primary testing can be performed, since the current and voltage sources can be series- and/or parallel connected to allow for up to 105 A AC or 900 V AC output. All three current and four voltage sources can be individually adjusted with respect to amplitude, phase angle and frequency. The fourth voltage source allows for testing of numerical relays that needs a reference voltage simulating the busbar.

SVERKER 900 Relay
  • Manual and automatic control
  • Easy to use
  • Excellent software provides great visuals and simple setup
  • Light and portable
  • Highly accurate
  • User can calibrate unit

The FREJA 300 relay testing system is a computer-aided relay testing and simulation system. The weight of FREJA 300 is only 15 kg. The rugged hardware design is built for field use over a wide temperature range, with the possibilities of intelligent software to perform rapid testing.

FREJA 300 is intended primarily for secondary testing of protective relay equipment. Virtually all types of protection relays can be tested.

  • For secondary testing of protection relays
  • Can be used stand-alone or with a PC
  • Flexble, can test many relay types
  • Light and portable
  • Greatest possible precision

FREJA 306 can be operated with or without a PC. After being put into the Local mode, FREJA 306 can be used stand-alone without a PC. FREJA 306 is an excellent choice when you want more current outputs, higher amps, VA or compliance voltage. Use it to test differential relays with 6 currents, or virtually any single or 3-phase relay.

  • Fully automated testing using FREJA Win software
  • PC operated or stand alone using the intuitive graphic touch screen
  • High current, high power output (60 A / 300 VArms) per phase
  • FREJA 409 provides 3 x 120 A in threephase configuration mode
  • FREJA 406 provides 6 currents, and FREJA 409 provides 9 currents for transformer differential testing
  • IEC 61850 test capabilities

The FREJA 400-series is a new member of the relay testing equipment from Megger, quick and easy to use. The rugged hardware design is built for field use over a wide temperature range, with the possibilities of intelligent software to perform rapid testing.

The instruments have the “smart” combination of high compliance voltage and high current to test all electromechanical, solid-state and numerical-based overcurrent relays, including voltage controlled, voltage restraint and directional overcurrent.

With three current generators and four voltage generators the instruments provides a complete three-phase test system for commissioning of three phase protection systems. The FREJA 406 can provide 6 current generation and FREJA 409 can provide 9 current generation by converting the voltage channels to currents. The generators also provide high power in both the voltage and current channels to test virtually all types of protection relays.

  • Fully automated testing using FREJA Win software
  • Stand-alone operation using intuitive high resolution graphic touchscreen, no PC required to operate
  • High current, high power output – up to 60 Amps / 300 VA per phase
  • Provides up to 6 currents for testing transformer and bus differential relay
  • Dynamic GPS satellite synchronized end-to-end testing capability
  • IEC 61850 testing capability

The FREJA536 is a multipurpose, light-weight, field portable relay test set offering up to 6 current outputs. The unit can be operated either manually via the built-in touch-screen user interface running FREJA Local, or placed under full computer control via the FREJA Win Software.

The built-in user interface is Megger’s second generation of automatic / semi-automatic manual user interface running the FREJA Local software. The large, easy-to-read full color, high resolution, high definition, TFT LCD touch-screen display allows the user to perform manual, steady-state and dynamic testing quickly and easily.

FREJA Local includes built-in preset test routines for automatic testing. Menu screens and touch screen function buttons are provided to quickly and easily select the desired test function. Tests results can be saved in FREJA local memory and downloaded to a USB memory stick for transfer or print test reports. For full automatic testing the FREJA Win software will be used with a PC. There are number of instrument programs to test virtually any protection. Since the test set-ups/results are saved via regular Microsoft Explorer display, you can create your own test object structure.

  • Fully automated testing using FREJA Win software
  • Stand-alone operation using intuitive high resolution graphic touchscreen, no PC required to operate
  • High current, high power output – up to 60 Amps / 300 VA rms per phase
  • Provides up to 9 currents for testing transformer and bus differential relay
  • Dynamic GPS satellite synchronised end-to-end testing capability
  • IEC 61850 testing capability

The FREJA 549 is a multipurpose, light-weight, field portable relay test set offering up to 9 current channels. The unit can be operated either manually via the built-in touch-screen user interface running FREJA Local, or placed under full computer control via the FREJA Win Software.

The built-in user interface is Megger’s second generation of automatic / semi-automatic manual user interface running the FREJA Local software. The large, easy-to-read, full colour high resolution, high definition, TFT LCD touch-screen display allows the user to perform manual, steady-state and dynamic testing quickly and easily.

FREJA Local includes built-in preset test routines for automatic testing. Menu screens and touch screen function buttons are provided to quickly and easily select the desired test function. Tests and results can be saved in FREJA Local memory and downloaded to a USB memory stick for transfer or print test reports.

For full automatic testing the FREJA Win software is be used with a PC. There are number of instrument programs to test virtually any protection. Since the test set-ups/results are saved via regular Microsoft Explorer display, you can create your own test object structure.

The FREJA549 has the “smart” combination of high compliance voltage to test high impedance earth fault relays, and high current to test all electromechanical, solid-state and numerical-based overcurrent relays, including voltage controlled, voltage restraint and directional overcurrent.