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Temperature Profiling Systems

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Overview Temperature Profiling System India

Temperature profiling is the term used to describe the process of recording and measuring the surface temperatures of products and/or air through a baking oven or heat-treating process. Temperature data is measured continuously using thermocouples connected directly to the product(s) surface at different locations as it travels through the oven or furnace. The measured temperature readings are stored in a data logger, which moves along with the product and is protected from the hostile environment of the process by a thermally insulated box referred to as a thermal barrier. Either during the process “telemetry” or post-process, the profile data is retrieved from the data logger and transferred to a computer software package where it can review, analyzed, and reported.

In short, Temperature profiling is the process of recording and measuring surface temperatures of products as they move through either a conveyorized or batch heating process (typically an oven or furnace). The collected numeric data is converted by temperature analysis software into meaningful information and displayed as a graph – thermal profile.

The necessary components of an effective temperature profiling system include:

thermocouple sensors to gather temperature information, data acquisition loggers to collect the data, thermal barriers to protect the data loggers, and most importantly, temperature profiling software for the analysis and archiving of all temperature data.

Datapaq offers temperature profiling systems in six major areas:

  • Oven Tracker® Systems for the finishing, paint and powder coating industries
  • Furnace Tracker® Systems for heat treatment processes and furnace surveys
  • Kiln Tracker® Systems for tunnel & roller hearth kilns used in the process of firing ceramic products
  • Reflow Tracker® Systems for PCB and electronics board manufacturing
  • Solar Tracker® Systems for solar photovoltaic (PV) manufacturing
  • Food Tracker® Systems for food processing

Understanding what is happening to your product as it travels through an oven or furnace is the first step to controlling and optimizing that heat treatment process. Temperature profiling is a critical tool used by thousands to help obtain that understanding.

Contact us to determine what Temperature profiling solution is best for you and how it can help you maximize the potential of your thermal manufacturing process.