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Motor Testing

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Motor testing

A) Static electric motor analyzers


  • Range includes 2 kV, 4 kV, 6 kV and 12 kV models
  • Motor Testing capabilities include: surge, winding resistance, Megohm, PI, DA, continuous ramp DC step-voltage, and DC hipot tests
  • 12 kV HO (high-output) version for performing surge tests on large motors and generators
  • Compatible with Baker PPX Power Packs to extend insulation testing voltage range (6 kV, 12 kV and 12 kV HO versions only)
  • IEEE- and IEC-compliant surge test
  • Surge waveform comparison by the patented Pulse to Pulse Error Area Ratio (PP-EAR) technique
  • Incorporates advanced inter-turn assessment capabilities in a field portable instrument
  • Microsoft Windows 10 Embedded operating system
  • USB port for data transfer and printing with Windows 10 plug-and-play printers

The Baker AWA-IV automatically performs repeatable, user-programmable tests to thoroughly assess the strength of a motor’s insulation and circuit. In fact, it is the only high-voltage test instrument that a user can program to perform a specific set of insulation tests prior to being in the field, and then use as programmed in the field. The AWA-IV is also used to assure quality of motor rebuilds or new production motors before they are placed into service.

The Baker AWA-IV is a simple-to-use test instrument with an intuitive, touch-screen user interface. It delivers accurate, repeatable results regardless of the skill level of a given operator. It easily detects problems that low-voltage testers cannot find by performing a comprehensive set of both high- and low-voltage tests.

Results are presented in simple, easy-to-understand graphs and reports that give motor maintenance professionals the information they need to minimize costs and unplanned downtime. The ability to apply identical tests to a given motor over a long period allows trends to be analyzed, revealing the degradation of insulation over the motor’s lifetime. This allows maintenance professionals to predict when a motor may fail, and plan its replacement accordingly.

The AWA-IV offers computer control and waveform monitoring advantages over equivalent manually controlled instruments. The analyser’s embedded computer conducts the tests, stores the results and continuously monitors voltage levels while testing. If the analyser detects a weakness in the insulation during a given test, the test is interrupted, the operator is alerted and all test parameters at the time of the interruption are reported.

The AWA-IV’s benefits can be extended to low-impedance coils, such as armatures, through the use of the Baker ZTX low impedance coil accessory. The ZTX, which includes the ATF5000 commutator probe accessory, allows the AWA-IV to apply surge tests to coils which require higher currents.


  • Comprehensive range of tests in one instrument
  • Configurable to meet needs and price point
  • 4 kV to 12 kV for wide spectrum of motors and coils
  • Compatible with the Baker PPX Power Packs for testing up to 40 kV
  • High and low voltage tests to characterize circuits and insulation
  • Coil mode for rapid testing and data storage

In an industrial setting, the consequential cost of failure or unplanned downtime of critical rotating machinery can be significant. The Baker DX series can apply a wide set of off-line electrical tests to assess the condition of motors and coils.

In a motor repair shop, or for new production motors, the Baker DX gives confidence that a motor is correctly wound and insulated, before it’s deployed in the field.

The standards-compliant surge test – a signature feature of Baker testers for decades – is the only test that can safely expose turn-to-turn insulation weaknesses. The Baker DX can find early indications of insulation weakness and faults in windings, between phases, coil-to-coil and in groundwall insulation. It can identify if contamination is impacting insulation strength. It can also detect problems with connections such as feed cable insulation weakness, motor imbalances, opens or high resistance.

The DX’s benefits can be extended to low-impedance coils, such as armatures, through the use of the Baker ZTX low impedance coil accessory. The ZTX, which includes the ATF5000 commutator probe accessory, allows the DX to apply surge tests to coils which require higher currents.

Baker Surveyor DX Software-
Surveyor DX software enables Baker DX operators to use a personal computer to store more test data, generate and view reports across the full spectrum of Baker DX tests, and share and compare analysis with other maintenance personnel using data from multiple analyzers.



  • Used to extend insulation testing range of AWA-IV static motor analysers and selected DX analysers
  • Test voltages from 5 kV to 40 kV
  • Available in three models (PPX30, PPX40, PPX30A)
  • Mobile, large-wheeled cabinet for easy transport to the test area
  • AC outlet on cabinet for the host unit (i.e., AWA-IV or DX), as well as lead storage
  • Baker PPX30A includes an internal armature test circuit built in for testing large DC motors. When in armature mode, test voltage is limited to 2100 V and the current available is increased up to 7000 A.
  • Complete range of tests (surge, winding resistance, Megohm (PI, DA), continuous ramp DC step-voltage, and DC hipot tests).

When coupled with Baker static motor analysers (i.e., certain Baker DX and AWA-IV models), the Baker PPX Power Packs extend the insulation testing voltage range. They help verify the condition of insulation on form-wound coils, high voltage AC motors and large DC motors, and are ideal for use in manufacturing, predictive maintenance, and motor rewind and repair settings.In order to test large, high voltage motors that typically drive the critical processes in industry, higher test voltages and currents than those available in portable motor analysers are required. Baker Power Packs (when used in concert with a Baker static motor analyser) verify insulation at voltages up to 40 kV, with up to 2600 A of current available.



  • Full colour graphic display
  • 3 Phase insulation resistance
  • Guard terminal
  • DLRO four wire Kelvin
  • Continuity and diode test
  • Motor direction of rotation.
  • Capacitance and inductance
  • CAT III 600 V up to 3000 m.
  • Environmental protection to IP54

The MTR105 is a dedicated Static Motor Tester with Megger’s tried and trusted suite of insulation resistance tests (IR), plus all the great traditional features and reliability of Megger’s testers.

  • The MTR105 takes the test abilities of Megger’s proven IR test instruments adding DLRO four wire Kelvin low resistance test, inductance and capacitance tests to provide a versatile motor tester, all packaged in a robust hand held instrument, which up to now has simply not been available.
  • Additionally the MTR105 incorporates temperature measurement and compensation (for IR tests), motor direction of rotation plus supply phase rotation tests.
  • These new test abilities make the MTR105 a real world, versatile, hand held motor test instrument.

B) Dynamic electric motor analyzers


  • Monitors and assesses conditions across a running “machine system” that impact the health and performance of the motor within the system
  • Evaluates the quality of incoming power fed to motor
  • Assesses motor performance indicators
  • Tracks the amount and condition of load placed on the motor
  • Instrument connection options: at a motor junction box, at the instrumentation cabinet, inside a motor control cabinet (MCC), from outside an MCC (requires a Baker EP1000 (dynamic motor link))
  • Designed for rugged site use in tight spaces typical of industrial environments
  • AC or battery operation
  • Visual confirmation of motor integrity
  • Facilitates survey of plant-wide motor efficiency
  • Microsoft Windows 7 operating system

The Baker EXP4000 is a powerful tool, designed for site use, to analyse the motor running under its normal load. It tracks multiple data types to identify trends that indicate potential problems. Voltage and current are measured and a series of parameters are then calculated, including power quality, rotor bar condition, % load, % operating efficiency, average torque value, torque ripple showing variation within process, monitoring of start-up transients (volts, current and torque), and much more.

The EXP4000 enables root-cause analysis, starting with separation of mechanical and electrical issues that may be present in a motor-machine system. By monitoring many different parameters and using advanced software algorithms, the EXP4000 is designed to pinpoint challenges across the system, including those with the power supplied, variable-frequency drive, the motor, and the load placed on the motor. Examples of the wide range of problems it may detect include:

  • wrong settings on a supply transformer’s taps, poorly distributed single-phase loads, overloading (saturating) supply transformers, excessive VFDs on low voltage busses, excessive non-harmonic frequencies on a VFD, missing line-inductors on VFD applications and missing or open power factor correction capacitors
  • thermal overloading of the motor
  • current related problems
  • broken rotor bars, mechanical issues, transient overloading, mechanical imbalances along with bearing problems and load issues such as cavitation

The Baker EP1000 Dynamic Motor Link is an optional accessory which is installed permanently inside the motor control cabinet (MCC), and which provides a low-voltage connection port on the cabinet’s door. A technician can simply connect the EXP4000 to that port without the need to open the cabinet or power down the motor. This provides obvious safety benefits, as well as improved convenience and productivity where a large number of motors need to be monitored.

Through use of the Baker EXP4000, along with a static motor analyser, such as the Baker AWA-IV, maintenance professionals have the means to minimize unexpected failures while maximizing uptime of motors and the machinery that they drive.



  • Monitors motor systems for any degradation of performance, poor power quality and adverse load conditions
  • Built upon the proven motor system monitoring technologies of the Baker EXP4000 Dynamic Motor Analyser
  • Features proprietary data collection mechanisms that are coupled with standardized computer server and network technologies
  • Operates with a single voltage measurement connection per voltage bus (up to 7 different voltage busses per single NetEP unit), and current sensors installed for each motor being monitored
  • Continuously monitors and analyses more than 120 electrical parameters on up to 32 motors, compares results to user-defined thresholds and generates alerts if these threshold limits are crossed
  • Two data acquisition methods are provided: power quality (acquired every ten seconds) and time waveforms (acquired once per hour)
  • Tracks motor on/off cycles, determines load mismatches and identifies any adverse load oscillations or overloads
  • Generates alerts for environmental factors such as excessive heat on a given motor’s operation
  • Enables an organization’s critical motor assets to communicate if and when they are malfunctioning or experiencing a problem that could lead to failures or downtime
  • Microsoft Windows 7 operating system

NetEP is a permanently-installed, fully automated machine system monitoring solution. It continuously acquires health and performance data on electric motors and the rotating machine systems they operate. With the Baker NetEP, maintenance professionals can safely gather performance data on critical motors around the clock, 365 days a year. They can monitor the condition of motors and the equipment they drive from the convenience and safety of a central office. The system helps reduce costly unplanned downtime by providing information that improves maintenance decision making and planning. The dashboard display of the NetEP’s associated software clearly shows motors in an alarm condition.

The NetEP goes beyond the capabilities of portable testing by providing a timeline of trend information that maximizes visibility into motor system health and performance. Maintenance professionals can use NetEP to monitor motor system performance from virtually anywhere in the world with a PC using the system’s Web-accessible interface. Motor rewinders, for example, can now offer remote electrical and mechanical monitoring of their customers’ critical machinery.


C) Electric Motor QC systems


  • Fully automated, full-spectrum quality control testers for motor manufacturers
  • Built to each customer’s specifications using proven, reliable standard components in a cabinet style rack design
  • Standard tests include: AC and DC hipot (with micro-arc detection to detect any breakdowns to ground – the only proven method to accurately detect any such faults), surge, inductance, corona and temperature-compensated resistance test capabilities
  • Rotation-direction test (optional) for testing stators and field coils
  • Configurable with a range of additional test capabilities
  • Highly-sensitive computer-controlled testing, analysis and report generation software making testing virtually automatic
  • Features a Microsoft Windows 7- based application with an intuitive, menu driven user interface
  • Tests manufacturing processes as well as manufactured products
  • May be integrated into fully automated lines with automatic fixtures and a PLC (or host computer) communications interface
  • Designed for many years of rugged industrial use
  • Recalibration may be done on-site with adjustments to software coefficients via a simple menu (and using ISO procedures)
  • A high-voltage version of the Baker WinAST – the HV WinAST – is available for conducting tests on low inductance form coils and motor stators of more than 500 kW, or more than 575 V AC.

Megger Baker Instruments designs and manufactures electric motor test systems for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that help ensure their motors and coils meet or exceed the quality expectations OEMs wish to set with their customers. The Baker WinAST and Baker HV WinAST are semi-custom, fully automated, high-volume electric motor testing units that can test thousands of motors, generators or coils per day, depending upon the size and types of motors, or the testing fixtures used.

These automated stator testers are used to test AC motors ranging in size from fractional to 5000 hp, as well as DC motors up to about 1500 hp. Manufacturers of motor windings, stators, coils, alternators, and rotors use the Baker WinAST to avoid shipping dead-on-arrival (DOA) motors, or products that prematurely fail or malfunction after being placed in service.

Unlike other volume manufacturing test approaches, this system does not require a master winding to perform routine production tests, nor does an operator need to set test voltages or pass/fail limits when production is switched to another motor model. All test parameters are programmed into a master, “known-good” data file, an operation that can be performed in minutes. When a master file is created, the user is prompted for all necessary information about a given product to be tested, and when complete, the file is permanently stored within the 160 GB of system storage.



  • Traction armature quality control test system for motor manufacturing applications
  • AC and DC hipot (with micro-arc detection to detect any breakdowns to ground – the only proven method to accurately detect any such faults), surge, bar-to-bar, and temperature-compensated resistance test capabilities
  • User-programmable pass/fail limits
  • Under 18 minutes to test as many as 200 armature bars (once the system is programmed and set up)
  • Easy detection of weld faults (i.e., poor connection between coils and commutator) – the most frequent fault encountered in the manufacturer of armatures – with resistance testing
  • System has a rack style cabinet, a computer running Microsoft Windows 7, power supplies and measurement circuitry, and includes an automatic armature indexing stand
  • Semi-customized instrument assembled from standard components to the customer’s specifications

The Baker WinTATS traction armature test system is a reliable, field-proven system for accurate, rapid testing of armatures in motor manufacturing and quality control operations. The fully-automated unit performs the required set of tests that motor manufacturing and rebuild shops need for quality assurance and control. AC hipot, DC hipot, surge and resistance tests are standard.

In operation, an armature to be tested is loaded onto the armature indexing stand. This ruggedized, custom built, armature test fixture enables quick and safe connection of an armature to the system. Since many armatures are heavy and cumbersome, the purpose of this fixture is to provide a quick connection of armatures to the tester and provide a higher degree of safety to the operator.

The armature is rotated by a rubber drive wheel, which is in contact with the armature and is propelled by a computer-controlled stepper motor. Usually, one or two optical sensors are used to sense the commutator slots as the armature rotates. This fixture is designed for years of heavy-duty operation in a manufacturing environment.