Automotive Testing EXPO 2025 INDIA (April 8,9,10 2025, Chennai, INDIA)

Single Phase Relay Test Set

Home /Single Phase Relay Test Set

  • Small, rugged, lightweight and powerful
  • Operate with or without a computer
  • Intuitive manual operation with Smart Touch View Interface
  • High current, high power (75 Amps/400 VA rms)
  • Network interface provides IEC 61850 test capabilities
  • Fully automated testing using AVTS software

As a stand-alone unit the SMRT1 has the “smart” combination of high compliance voltage and high current to test electromechanical, solid-state and microprocessor-based overcurrent relays, including voltage controlled, voltage restraint and directional overcurrent; test under/over voltage, single-phase impedance, single-phase power, directional, synchronizing, auto-synchronizing, negative sequence under/over voltage, current balance, frequency, volts/hertz, reclosing, thermal, and various other relays, see the Applications Guide for more.

The SMRT1 test system has the ability to be manually controlled with Megger‘s new Smart Touch View Interface™ (STVI). The STVI, with its large, full color, high resolution, TFT LCD touch screen allows the user to perform manual, steady-state and dynamic testing quickly and easily using the manual test screen, as well as using built-in preset test routines for most popular relays.

The STVI eliminates the need for a computer when testing virtually all types of relays. Menu screens and touch screen function buttons are provided to quickly and easily select the desired test function. Tests results can be saved to the PowerDB™ ONBOARD for download to a memory stick to transfer or print test reports. For full automatic testing the SMRT1 may be controlled by Megger Advanced Visual Test Software (AVTS). AVTS is a Microsoft® Windows® XP®/Vista™/7 compatible software program designed to manage all aspects of protective relay testing using the new Megger SMRT.

  • The engineer’s toolbox for all single phase relay testing!
  • Stand-alone functionality
  • Rugged and reliable for field use

The SVERKER750 and SVERKER780 Relay Test Set are the engineer’s toolbox. The control panel features a logical layout, SVERKER 650 users will find it comfortably familiar and will be able to start work right away.

The SVERKER750 and SVERKER780 features many functions that make relay testing more efficient. For example, its powerful measurement section can display (in addition to time, voltage and current) Z, R, X, S, P, Q, phase angle and cos φ. The voltmeter can also be used as a 2nd ammeter (when testing differential relays for example). All values are presented on a single easy-to-read display.

You can also test directional protective equipment efficiantly by means of the built-in variable voltage source. In SVERKER780 this has a continuous phase shift function and adjustable frequency as well. Automatic reclosing devices can also be tested – just as easily.

Designed to comply with EU standards and other personal and operational safety standards, SVERKER750 and SVERKER780 are also equipped with a serial port for communication with personal computers and the PC software SVERKER Win.

Since the compact SVERKER weighs only 18 kg (39 lbs), it’s easy to move from site to site.

Two or more SVERKER units can also be synchronized, which allows the user to operate a basic 3-phase test set.

  • Designed for rugged field use
  • 0 to 100 Amp output current
  • Suitable for testing many different types of relays such as power, voltage and current
  • Easy to operate

The Sverker 650 testing unit, whose design incorporates benefits gleaned from many years of experience in field relay testing, enjoys a well-earned reputation for reliability and convenience. Compact and powerful, it provides all of the functions needed for secondary testing of almost all types of single-phase protection now available on the market.

Sverker 650 testing unit